The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

A work in progress, writer, actor, artist, vagabond, chameleon as photographer-documenting this roller coaster life adventure that keeps shooting onward at breakneck speed. Dreams were born and nurtured at the Pavillion Theatre by Robert Reifsneider, the wonderful director who changed the trajectory of my life with his belief that my talents could do justice to Laura in "The Glass Menagerie." What has unfolded since those days at PSU is a life comprised of shape-shifting this self for innumerable professions (who says acting has to be on a stage). Pausing to look back brings to mind memories of a time when every event was an earth-shattering experience of life and death magnitude. Miracle of miracles, most of us survived and I wonder where are all of those sweet souls now. My hope is that they are still running down their dreams-"It's never too late to become what you might have been." Love and heartfelt best wishes to the 'gentlemen callers' and many friends who made those years at Penn State a special and fondly remembered time. I wish you well and hope that life has, whether by chance or amazing grace, been good to you. "May you shine so brightly that, at the end of your days, all will pause and say, 'Ah, there was one who lived life fully and completely.'" Sharma